➡ What is Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana (NMM)?

NMM is a registered ballot question committee in Nebraska supporting a pair of complimentary 2024 voter initiatives. Read more about the measures here. Together the initiatives will establish a system of access to medical cannabis for qualified patients.

➡ How does the ballot initiative process work in Nebraska?

Nebraska's Constitution empowers voters to directly enact their own laws. As a formal committee of like-minded citizens, NMM is sponsoring and supporting two statutory ballot measures for medical cannabis. To put our proposals on the ballot, we need to collect enough signatures from voters by July 3, 2024. Then, if a majority of Nebraskan voters approve each measure in the November 2024 general election, they are enacted into law.

➡ What are the ballot qualification requirements?

Each of the statutory petitions requires roughly 87,000 valid voter signatures (7% of the number of registered voters in the state at the time petitions are submitted). State law also requires the campaign to collect signatures from 5% of registered voters in at least 38 or Nebraska's 93 counties. The deadline to file petitions is July 3, 2024.

➡ When will I vote on these initiatives?

On or before Election Day, November 5, 2024.

➡ Will medical cannabis increase crime, DUIs, or youth use?

The facts are clear: The sky does not fall when patients have safe, legal access to medical cannabis. Thirty-six states have implemented these kinds of programs, and no state has ever repealed their medical cannabis law. Opponents of medical cannabis do not have the facts on their side, so they resort to scare tactics.

➡ How can I help?

Become a volunteer, and donate!